Harriman's New Book of Investing Rules

A practical guide to ETF trading systems

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AFJ Garner
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Harriman's New Book of Investing Rules

Post by AFJ Garner »

I recently wrote a chapter for the above. https://www.harriman-house.com/newbookofinvestingrules

I received no payment for my work and was not asked to sign any agreement. I believe I am therefore entitled to share my chapter with others and attach it to this post. I hope some might find it helpful although of course I reserve the right to change my mind on anything I have written and must once again make it clear that I am not offering investment advice.
Anthony Garner contributed a chapter to this popularly acclaimed book along with others such as John C Bogle, Antony Bolton and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Every investor needs an edge. Where better to look than the rules of the world’s best investors?

These are the do’s and don’ts that have driven profits in the billions. They are the practical precepts of many of the best investors in the UK and the US and further afield – the wisdom of the money manager who outperformed the market by staggering percentages for three decades in a row, of the private investor who once trained the professionals in the City, of the ex-hedge fund manager who now advocates the simplest investing system in the world.

And 50+ MORE of the most interesting minds in modern investing, from Wall Street to Westminster and back again.

The legendary Harriman Book of Investing Rules is back with a massive, all-new volume – packed with hundreds of pages of compelling content, bringing you the arguments of the very best investing minds around the globe in one unputdownable book.
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