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IS IT ME OR....... ?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:21 am
by Chris67
IS the whole world missing the point at the moment ?

I, in 14 days of insane madness , decided to have CNBC on 24/7 to guage if anybody has learnt anything from teh last 10 years and it strikes me the financial system is full of more idiots than ever before ?

Everybody sees the latest dow move as a 10 % correction and the sub prime issues as contained ?
I think its the tip of the ice berg - th ereal problem lies with the amount of hedge funds employing nuclear scientists with positions they cannot value ?
expect the next 5 years to be the best ever for trend followers

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:29 am
by Nussgipfel
Isn't this they way it is supposed to be at a possible major turn? Fighting it all the way before admitting to any of the facts?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:02 pm
by danZman
Nussgipfel wrote:Isn't this they way it is supposed to be at a possible major turn? Fighting it all the way before admitting to any of the facts?
Yes indeed. Just the fact that the subject has been brought up a few times on this board is almost the same as when my dear old mom asked me how I was doing right at the SPX bottom in 2002 (I was short).

The posts on this board are mostly about systematic trading...not too much in the way of fundamentals or "gut" feelings. My own system is long after an average DD. Bought a bit more as I added to my account (I add about once a month). Nothing new under the sun when you test, test, and retest.