Trouble Shooting

When user's report a problem that has a simple fix that can be added to Trading Blox, the fix will be added here.


Reported Issue:


Window is missing

To display the missing window, follow these instructions:

Holding-Down Shift-Key while selecting dialog menu item like System or Blox Editor,  Trading Blox will reset the dialog window location information so it will appear within the boundaries of the display screen.   This approach is more useful when a window is lost than the old way of clicking on the Main-Screen's Tool section and clicking on the Reset Settings.

When a Trading Blox  problem appears, or a situation happens when using the Update option that didn't perform, or didn't happen in a way as expected:


Try using the "Tools Menu" tab option to: Perform a new "Authenticate" or "Refresh Settings."

Try Refresh & Authenticate Tool's Options

When something doesn't look or feel right with Trading Blox, consider using the Tools Refresh, or the Authenticate options.


In most cases, the strange displays will be corrected.  If something happened to the Windows Registry, the software authentication Key might need to be applied again.  If you don't have it handy, log into the Trading Blox Customer Account area to recapture your registration key:




Edit Time: 3/14/2022 11:03:12 AM

Topic ID#: 248


Created with Help & Manual 7 and styled with Premium Pack Version 2.80 © by EC Software