The following properties refer to the test object and they will be the same regardless from what system they are referenced.


All Test Object properties are used with the "test." object prefix.



PRINT "Test Name: ",
PRINT "Order Report Path: ", test.orderReportPath





Returns true when the Abort Test or Abort Simulation functions have been used.


Returns the ISO code of the system wide base currency set by the user in the Preference section.  i.e. USD is used for United States Currency.


Borrow rate of the system wide base currency


Lend rate of the system wide base currency


Returns the ISO currency sign symbol for the system wide base currency  set by the user in the Preference section.  i.e. USD uses $


Total capital adds and draws to date, from the capital adds draws file.


Current simulation date. In YYYYMMDD format.


Number count of the current day.  Count starts at one on the day of the Test Start. Also used as the Test Bar when using Intraday Data, so this can be the "Test Bar Number" when using date and time.


Number of the current active parameter step test


Current simulation time.  In HHMM format.


For intraday data, last testing time of the day.  Computed as the latest time for any market in the test, or as set in scripting. See test.SetEarliestTime and test.SetLatestTime and test.SetTimeIncrement.


Incentive fees accrued but not yet booked.  See: Fee Accruals & Capital Adds & Draws


Total incentive fees booked to date.


Management fees accrued but not yet booked.


Total management fees booked to date.



Provides the full path to the Forex Files.  Default Forex path: C:\Trading Blox\Data\Forex\



Provides the full path to the Futures Files.  Default Forex path: C:\Trading Blox\Data\Futures\


Total number of instruments being tested across all systems.  This properties value will include forex conversion files and if systems are using different portfolio types, could include stocks, futures, and forex markets.  Does not include markets loaded using the LoadSymbol function.


List of all instruments in all the system portfolios, including the Forex conversion files. Indexed from 1 to InstrumentCount. Returns the full symbol, such as F:CL or S:IBM.


This property provides a faster access to instrument information that using an instrument property.  It is faster because it is a memory pointer.  Pointers are used a lot in the best program so the software's design allows the program's options to work as fast as possible.



The various "ref" properties are object pointers to the actual instrument. Makes them very fast.


You can use test.instrumentList[x] to loop over the instruments in the test, but that returns a symbol, and TB then needs to lookup that symbol to find the instrument. Whereas the test.instrumentListRef[x] is an array of object pointers - immediate access to the instrument when used in the LoadSymbol.



Leverage as set in Global Parameters


Total amount needed to fill all  current open orders in all the systems in the suite.  For Futures, this is the margin times order size, for Stocks, this is the order price times the order size.  Better details available in the system.marketOrdersValue description topic.


This property return the max units number that is set in the Simulation's "Max Position Units" parameter setting.



Name of the Current Test Suite.


Returns true if the current bar is after the test end record, and therefore the order generation bar.  Useful with with intraday data where you can check the test.orderGenerationBar return value.  If its return is TRUE you can output all the relevant data for the last bar.


Returns true if the test is generating orders, rather than just running a performance test.


Full path of the current order report


Earliest date for all loaded data for any instrument


Path of the results folder for this test. Used to access charts and graphs in the test results folder for display.


Global parameter setting value of the Sell Stock Split Remainder value.  Returns a True or False value.


You can force the minimum time increment used for testing by changing from the default value.

In the Before Simulation Script, use the function to set HHMM time to use:

test.SetTimeIncrement(1)   ' This sets the time to 1 minute
test.SetTimeIncrement(130) ' This sets the time to 90 minutes


Or, set to your desired bar size, such as 5 minute or 60 minute. The test will run for each bar, and the last available instrument bar will be used for order generation.


Returns a True or False value of the Global Parameter option "Smart Fill Exit" setting.



Provides the full path to the Stock Files.  Default Forex path: C:\Trading Blox\Data\Stocks\


Full path of the current test results saved file location. file.


'  Script sends Test Performance Folder name to Print Output.csv file.
Print test.summaryResultsPath


Return Example:

Test 2016-04-28_09_08_04


Number of systems to be tested.


Test End date. The user entered end date, or the end of data, which ever comes first.


Test Start date. The first trading day equal to, or after the user entered start date, or the start of data, which ever is later.


Number of active threads available in this Simulation test.


Active thread index of this simulation test. Each thread index up to ThreadCount will run concurrently, so if variables, or information needs to be passed from one thread to another, make sure the ThreadIndex is a match.


Returns the TimeIncrement used for the test loop when using Intraday data.  Output format is HHMM (Hour-Minute) order.


Start Time stamp of this test. Used to access charts, graphs, and other results for the test run.


Total number of distinct parameter tests.


Stepped Parameter information can be accessed using the test.GetSteppedParameter


The number of trades in all of the systems that had a trade quantity of zero.  Useful for custom statistics to include or exclude these placeholder trades.


Returns 0 for a normal test, 1 for the optimization portion of the walk forward test, and 2 for the out of sample portion of the walk forward test.


At the beginning of each trading simulation day, the test's date is set to the current trading day while the instrument date is set to the previous trading day. This prevents the creation of postdictive errors or errors where trading system logic is allowed to access information that is not available in actual trading.  In effect, postdictive errors are errors which rely on seeing the future.




See Also:



Edit Time: 3/16/2022 6:35:09 PM

Topic ID#: 617


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