Alternate Objects provides an ability to inherit the abilties of other objects.  This inheritance provides access a system's Propereties and Function that won't be restricted data outside of system's normal context or range.  


The System Object that works well within a system, is not allowed to reach out past its system scope container.  When a user Suite has more than one system to execute during a test, there needs to be a method for accessing a system from one system to the next, or from a Global Suite System.  To provide access to other systems in the suite, Trading Blox Builder provides the Alternate Object.


All Trading Blox Builder object have properties and functions.  The three Objects that an Alternate Object can use to access those other object properties and functions are:

Broker Object

Order Object

System Object


To access information that would be contained in any of the those three Objects, is to create a process method that inherits the capabilities of those objects.  That capability is how the Alternate Object works when any of those three object name appear as part of the Alternate Object name.

AlternateBroker Object

AlternateOrder Object

AlternateSystem Object


Once the Alternate Object  inherits the abilities of an object, it will be able to use that object's properties and functions without system limitations.  This means it can reach into any other system in a suite and get information that is available for the original object.  


Before access to another system can be enabled, permission to access another system must be provided:

  '  Set system data access to System-index 1
  test.SetAlternateSystem( 1 ) ( <=Click, for more examples & details.)


The above Test-Object Function, SetAlternateSystem(systemIndex) will provide system context to access information to any of the other systems in the suite while being outside of the system being accessed .






AlternateBroker object is used to place orders in another system.


Set the system of using the test.SetAlternateSystem( systrmIndex ).  

Then pass the symbol into the alternateBroker function.


Trading Blox allows users to access order information in the script sections where the Object Order does not automatically have context by using the System's SetAlternateOrder function where each order is brought into context using the order's index value.


Alternate System Object is used when referencing other systems in the same suite.




See Also:



Edit Time: 9/13/2020 3:27:05 PM

Topic ID#: 144


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